Home Astellas The Impact of GA Disease Progression

The Impact of GA Disease Progression

retinal image of geographic atrophy on the left with impact to vision on the right. As GA progression continues, patient struggles.
Dr. Danzig narrates his patient’s journey as his GA progresses.

In a two-minute video, Carl Danzig, OD, narrates the impact of progressive geographic atrophy (GA) in one of his patients. The video details how, despite 20/40 visual acuity, the patient was becoming increasingly more challenged in daily activities. As the GA progression continued and foveal involvement became more obvious, the patient’s struggles increased.

View the whole video here. 


Read other stories about how ODs are detecting and talking with patients about GA here

This content is independent editorial sponsored by Astellas. Astellas had no input in the development of this content. Astellas, formerly Iveric Bio.

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