
New Presbyopia Resource Hub by WCO to Support Eye Care Practitioners

The World Council of Optometry (WCO) announced the launch of a new online resource hub designed to support eye care practitioners in addressing presbyopia. This platform, which brings together expert insights, educational materials, and the...


2020 Women’s Leadership Conference Agenda

Agenda October 13 — 7:00-9:00PM EST Welcome: Barbara Caffery, OD, PhD, FAAO, AAO president Fostering the Energy for Leadership:  Keynote speaker Shemeka Brathwaite will kick off the...

SmartMoney – Jill Showalter, OD: Building a Dry Eye Practice

Sharing this from our friends at Review of Optometric Business and CareCredit. Jill Showalter, OD, describes how she can make specialized eye care services more accessible to more patients by accepting patient financing.

Equipment Additions Expand Practice Growth With Increased Efficiency, Revenue and Dry...

Fifteen years ago, Melissa Tada, OD, started Mountain View Vision with one exam lane and one employee. Fast forward, her office in Colorado Springs,...

­­Meet the Student Board: Rebecca Treen, SUNY

Rebecca Treen is no stranger to small towns. She was born and raised in southern Saskatchewan, Canada. She attended kindergarten to twelfth grade with...

VimHue Athletic Caps By Dr. Katy Craft Lim

Katy Craft Lim, OD, is an outdoor sports enthusiast, but she says that she found that there were very limited options for women for...

Brand New, Modern Practice is “Not Your Traditional Optometrist Office”

When Amrit Bilkhu, OD, FAAO, and Manraj Fervaha, OD, look around Northern Sight Optometry now, it’s hard to image that just 12 months ago the floors...
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