Dear NOA Family,
These are very turbulent times. The global pandemic has caused fear, anxiety, indescribable pain and sorrow due to the loss of multiple lives, especially in Black communities.
Now, the tragic deaths of men and women of color, most recently George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, are painful reminders of the longstanding pandemic of inequality, racism, hatred, and bigotry that is still present in our society.
The NOA, founded during the civil rights movement, supports the need to confront the long-standing issue of racism. No person should have to fear walking, jogging, driving, wearing a hoodie or bird watching because of their color of their skin.
The NOA recognizes the disparities in our country. We value diversity and inclusion, and the richness it brings. We value life. We believe in a nation where people are not judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character
The NOA is family and shares in the many sorrow of our members. We have members who have had their practices destroyed or damaged. We have members who are discouraged by the turmoil of the land. Let us all come together, as a family, and lift each other up, while extending a helping hand.
We are all in this together!
Dr. Sherrol A. Reynolds
NOA President