Home News POP-UP POLL: Sunny Days Call for Sunnies - RESULTS

POP-UP POLL: Sunny Days Call for Sunnies – RESULTS

As we approach summer, the timing is ideal to discuss UV awareness. According to our WO Pop-up Poll, the vast majority of ODs are walking the walk as well as talking the talk. Nearly 61 percent of the respondents to the most recent WO Pop-up Poll said that they own at least four pairs of sunglasses.

All told, about 90 percent of the respondents said that they own at least two pairs of sunwear.

Having plenty of sunwear seems to be as popular with male ODs as females; 58 percent of the women ODs said they own at least four pairs and 55 percent of the male ODs said they do, too. The leaders of the pack are women who are not ODs but work in the optical profession; 79 percent of them said that they own at least four pairs of sunwear.

Sixty-nine percent say that they recommend sunwear to all patients.

However, 58 percent of respondents said that 10 percent or less of their optical space is dedicated to sunwear, and 13 percent said that the question was not applicable to them.

Among the women ODs who answered that they do sell sunwear, here is the breakdown.


Percentage of women ODs with this space dedicated to sunwear
27% 1% to 5% of dispensary
43% 6% to 10% of dispensary
24% 11% to 20% of dispensary
6% More than 20% of dispensary


Seventy percent of the respondents said they were females ODs, and 9 percent said they were men.

Thumbnail image courtesy of Pixabay

This article was created using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication.

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