Home News POP-UP POLL: When Black Friday Comes Around Again - Results

POP-UP POLL: When Black Friday Comes Around Again – Results

Next year, when you’re doing your planning on whether or not to work on Black Friday—if it’s a matter over which you have any control—you can note that more than 54 percent of the respondents to our Pop-up Poll last week said their office was not open on Black Friday. One-third of the respondents noted that they’d be working and 12 percent said the office would be open, but they were not going to be there.

Responses from women ODs paralleled the overall responses almost exactly—with 55 percent saying their offices/workplaces weren’t open, 32 percent saying they were working on Black Friday and 13 percent saying that while their offices were open, they’d be off.

This article was created using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication.

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