Women In Optometry (WO) is pleased to announce the addition of six board members; WO board members serve a two-year term during which they bring their perspective and experiences to readers.
Here are the new board members for 2019-2020.

Jenny Coyle, OD, MS, FAAO, is Dean of the Pacific University College of Optometry. Dr. Coyle will celebrate her 30th year at the school, which has been her home since her first year of optometry school. Dr. Coyle is passionate about preparing students for the clinical and patient management demands that they’ll face once they become practitioners. She was also WO’s 2018 Theia Award winner for Education. “I had so many great mentors during my career, and mentorship is so important. I feel that it’s our duty to give back to the profession,” she says.

Lillian Kalaczinski, OD, is an assistant professor at Michigan College of Optometry and Chief of Primary Care at the University Eye Center. Prior to joining the College, her alma mater, she worked for 10 years in a community health center. She is a past president of the Michigan Optometric Association and past chair of the American Optometric Association’s Health Center committee and currently serves on the AOA’s Meetings Center. Dr. Kalaczinski says that she is honored to join the WO board and, “I look forward to engaging with dynamic, innovative and powerful women who are changing the face of optometry.”

Sherrol A. Reynolds, OD, FAAO, is an associate professor at Nova Southeastern University College of Optometry and also the current president of the National Optometric Association. She serves as chair of the Florida Optometric Association Healthy Eye Healthy People committee and the NOA’s liaison to the National Eye Institute National Eye Health Education Program. In addition to her academic and advocacy roles, Dr. Reynolds spends a great deal of time giving back to the community, coordinating a number of community service events in the underserved communities regionally and in rural Jamaica. She also mentors at-risk high school students in Broward County. Dr. Reynolds says that she has been the beneficiary of excellent mentorship in her life and looks for opportunities to be a mentor to others.

Mona Sood, OD, is the co-owner with Satti Sarai, OD, of Village Eyecare, four private practices in Chicago, Illinois. The doctors expanded their original Village Eyecare over the years adding locations and services as the opportunities arose. Most recently, they have added specialty scleral contact lenses and orthokeratology centers to expand their services. Dr. Sood has worked extensively on replicating processes and policies across the locations to ensure success and a consistent level of quality and service for patients. She brings to the WO board her strong interest in management process, marketing and the patient care experience, as well as her passion to providing eye care to underserved areas and helping to eradicate refractive blindness. She says, “I have worked hard to provide leadership, management and training systems to support the growth. Our mantra is what is good for the patient is good for the practice. While it sounds simple, it applies to every aspect of our practice. I am looking forward to contributing and learning from others in this amazing group.”

Annabelle Storch will graduate from the Southern California College of Optometry at Marshall B. Ketchum University in May 2019. She is currently finishing her term as president of the American Optometric Student Association. After graduation, she hopes to continue learning by completing a residency focusing on pediatrics. She brings the perspective of the new OD to WO’s coverage. “These continue to be exciting times in optometry with opportunities to push the profession forward. We all have a responsibility to stay involved and attentive.”

Shauna Thornhill, OD, of Amarillo, Texas, works in an independent practice in two Walmart locations. She’s a tireless advocate for providing services to the needy, perhaps best exemplified by her Sight Before Christmas program. This annual event encourages people in need to come for an eye exam on one day for the cost of a new toy for the local Toys for Tots program. Dr. Thornhill has grown her practices through smart management and community involvement. She says, “To me, serving my patients means also serving my community and corporate optometry gives me a strong partner in that area.”
WO is grateful for the contributions and support of the retiring board members: Mario Gutierrez, OD, FAAO; Dawn Kaplan, OD; Kelly Nichols, OD, MPH, PhD, FAAO; Maria Sampalis, OD; Bridgitte Shen Lee, OD; and Melissa Zaleski, OD, MPH.

The new board members join the following doctors who are continuing to serve on the panel: Melissa Barnett, OD, FAAO, FSLS, FBCLA; Nhung Brandenburg, OD, FAAO, Dipl; Tonyatta Hairston, OD; Barbara Horn, OD; Mary Anne Murphy, OD; and Carey Patrick, OD.