Home Newsmakers From School and Beyond: Thank You, Mentor

From School and Beyond: Thank You, Mentor

A story in our March Mentor series

Dr. Ngoddy

Nwamaka Ngoddy, OD, has a shout out to share during Women In Optometry’s March Mentor series. She’s sending a special thank you to one of her mentors, Essence Johnson, OD.

“Dr. Johnson has been so implemental in my optometric career,” Dr. Ngoddy says. “During our years at Salus University, she took time out to help me academically but also was a strong motivator in other arenas. She encouraged me to stay active with public service both in school and in the Philadelphia community. When I was seeking out residency, Essence was always available for me to ask questions and this helped me secure the same residency. Even now she serves as an awesome resource and friend!”

Dr. Johnson

Want us to recognize YOUR mentor? Send us a note today.

This article was created using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication.

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