Home Polls Bringing Home the Bacon: Who's Earning the Money?

Bringing Home the Bacon: Who’s Earning the Money?

Optometrist’s earnings are significant contributors to household income, according to the results of a Women In Optometry Pop-up Poll from December 2024/January 2025. Fifty-five percent of respondents said that their income was the predominant or only source of income for their household.

Another 25% said that their spouse or partner earns about the same amount, and 20% said that their spouse or partner is the primary breadwinner.

Among female OD respondents, 48% said that they were the primary or sole earner in their household.

pie chart shows that 48% of female ods are primary or sole breadwinner in their households

The majority of respondents, 55%, said they are living in a home with a partner and dependent children. Nearly 43% said their household consists of just themselves and a partner or spouse. Some wrote it that another relative, typically a parent, also lives in the household.

More than two-thirds of respondents, 68%, said that their partner or spouse is very supportive of their earnings role in the family. Thirty percent said their partner or family was somewhat supportive.

For most respondents, 65%, their role as an earner adds to their overall stress level. One female OD wrote, “Note: I work 100% harder for about the same pay that my husband does in his IT job. My pay is slightly higher, but not significantly.”

Pop-up Poll responses, Dec. 24/Jan. 25

Those percentages were similar for male and female respondents.

Nearly 78% of the respondents were women ODs.



Have a poll idea? Curious about something? Email us here.

Read other WO Pop-up Poll results here.

Featured photo credit: Getty Images, AndreyPopov

This article was created using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication.

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