Optometrist’s earnings are significant contributors to household income, according to the results of a Women In Optometry Pop-up Poll from December 2024/January 2025. Fifty-five percent of respondents said that their income was the predominant or only source of income for their household.
Another 25% said that their spouse or partner earns about the same amount, and 20% said that their spouse or partner is the primary breadwinner.
Among female OD respondents, 48% said that they were the primary or sole earner in their household.
The majority of respondents, 55%, said they are living in a home with a partner and dependent children. Nearly 43% said their household consists of just themselves and a partner or spouse. Some wrote it that another relative, typically a parent, also lives in the household.
More than two-thirds of respondents, 68%, said that their partner or spouse is very supportive of their earnings role in the family. Thirty percent said their partner or family was somewhat supportive.
For most respondents, 65%, their role as an earner adds to their overall stress level. One female OD wrote, “Note: I work 100% harder for about the same pay that my husband does in his IT job. My pay is slightly higher, but not significantly.”
Those percentages were similar for male and female respondents.
Nearly 78% of the respondents were women ODs.
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Read other WO Pop-up Poll results here.
Featured photo credit: Getty Images, AndreyPopov