In a recent Women In Optometry Pop-up Poll, many respondents shared that COVID-19 will likely take a toll on upcoming holiday events.
More than 20 percent said they are suspending in-person, indoor gatherings this year, while another 20 percent of respondents said they are holding fewer frame events than usual.
For respondents who are celebrating Halloween, more than two-thirds (66.7 percent) shared that costumes are based on individual choice. For some offices, costumes are a must-have tradition. More than a quarter of respondents (26.7 percent) shared that their office always dresses up for Halloween and plans to continue the tradition this year.
A popular Halloween-inspired event is office decoration. More than half of the respondents shared that they will be decorating their office, as they had in the past. For young patients, respondents shared that they will be preparing goodie bags and their office plans to open for any trick-or-treaters.
Some respondents shared how their workplace holiday plans changed compared to 2020.
“We are not having any holiday parties or dinners, but I will hand out some gifts one evening after work,” said one respondent.
Another respondent said, “We hope to have a staff holiday dinner because we couldn’t have one last year.”
Eighty percent of respondents said they were female ODs.