Nearly 90 percent [89.7 percent] of respondents to a recent Women In Optometry Pop-up Poll said that they have had products they sell, primarily frames, stolen from their practices. Another 28 percent said that they had their personal belongings such as a phone or money stolen, and another 10 percent noted that a cash box had been tampered by a thief.

About 60 percent [58.6 percent] said that their practice was targeted by the thieves. Forty-one percent said the thieves were patients and 31 percent were employees. A few respondents also noted that walk-in customers and those who were browsing stole from their practice.

Poll participants noted all of the safety measures they take in order to prevent theft: 86 percent have surveillance cameras, 76 percent use an alarm system, 55 percent split responsibilities for accountability such as in counting cash and 48 percent always have at least two team members at the practice at any given time. Other methods of prevention noted included thorough criminal background check for staff members and using a key log.