Nearly all of the respondents (90 percent) to a recent Women In Optometry Pop-up Poll said that they believe that they have a point of differentiation in their practices. Sixty-six percent said that they definitely do, while another 24 percent said that they think that they do. Sixty-one percent of participants said it takes constant reinforcement to maintain this level of differentiation.

What makes their practice different from the next? Eighty-three percent of respondents said it’s the OD. Sixty-three percent noted that their level of service is a stellar separator, and 58 percent said it’s the exam room encounter and technology. Other top responses included staff (55 percent), pretesting technology and services (50 percent), convenience of appointment scheduling and reminders (45 percent) and website and social media (43 percent). Participants were able to select as many answers as applied to their practice.

About half of the respondents (53 percent) said that their mission or vision statement discusses those areas that make the practice special. Eleven percent have a mission or vision statement that is unrelated, and 24 percent said that they do not have a mission or vision statement.