Home Polls Online and Print Journals are Top Sources of Professional Information

Online and Print Journals are Top Sources of Professional Information

ODs check in on general news more often than professional news

Online and print journals are a prime source for professional information (not CE) for ODs, according to results from a recent Women In Optometry Pop-up Poll. Twenty-nine percent and 26 percent, respectively, turn to those sources, while 19 percent turn to a web search and 12 percent crowd-source on social media.

While using a number of resources, the poll results found that ODs are checking in on general news more often than professional news. Thirty-six percent of respondents said they visit professional news resources at least once a week, and 31 percent did nearly every day.

Just 5 percent were looking at these professional resources multiple times per day, compared to 21 percent of respondents who said they check general news resources more than once a day. Twenty-one percent said they check general news daily, and 24 percent do nearly every day. TV (29 percent) and national news websites (26 percent) were the top two resources for accessing general news.

More respondents considered themselves more engaged professionally than politically/socially.

Several respondents shared additional comments on this topic:

I can’t imagine any OD, especially women ODs, who has their head in the sand and is focused solely on optometry only.

I believe it is important to stay “in the know” both professionally and politically. One never knows when both worlds collide and you’ll need to fight for a new healthcare law to be passed etc. Best to stay informed and proactive!

This article was created using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication.

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