Respondents to the recent WO Pop-up Poll shared their office policies for taking vacation time off and how that may change around the holidays. Nearly 34 percent said that vacation time must be used by Dec. 31, while 27 percent said that they do allow some rollover into the following year. Approximately 14 percent said that they tie the expiration of vacation days to each employee’s work anniversary.

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 as a not a problem at all and 5 as a rating for a major headache when it comes to dealing with unscheduled absenteeism during the holidays, most respondents selected a 1 or 2 (29.5 percent and 26.2 percent, respectively). Just 11.5 percent said this was a major issue in their office.
Nearly 43 percent said that they try to keep it as fair as possible when it comes to taking off time the last week of the year. Another 25 percent said that no one takes off time that week, and 25 percent also said that they follow their regular time-off rules during this holiday week.