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Confident Leadership Comes Through Planning, With an Assist From Friends

In the 18 years since Tara Capalbo first joined AbbVie, previously Allergan, she has distilled three key lessons of confident leadership. Capalbo is the general...

The Empowered OD: Dr. Mary Anne Murphy – Embrace Change

In this episode of The Empowered OD series, sponsored by Allergan, Mary Anne Murphy, OD, of Broomfield, Colorado, says that despite the uncertainties of 2020, she took the opportunity to tackle those priorities that are usually pushed to the background.

The Empowered OD: Dr. Selina McGee – Make Every Word Count

In this episode of The Empowered OD series, sponsored by Allergan, Selina McGee, OD, FAAO, of Edmond, Oklahoma, explains how she became more intentional in her communication with patients.

The Empowered OD: A Podcast Series Sponsored by Allergan

Find all of the podcasts in The Empowered OD series sponsored by Allergan.

The Empowered OD: Dr. Neena James – Leading an Empowered Staff

In this episode of The Empowered OD series, sponsored by Allergan, Neena James, OD, of Huntsville, Alabama, explains how cultivating an empowered staff allows doctors to do more.

Trust in Their Provider and Education Can Help Glaucoma Patients’ Compliance

Jessilin Quint, OD, MS, MBA, FAAO, is a combination of a scientist, policy strategist and practitioner.
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