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Tag: amy moy

Understanding Social Determinants of Health Can Lead to Culturally Safe Care

"It's easy to think that anyone can just walk into an eye clinic and access the eye care. But that's not always the case,"...

Inspired to Optometry

Several respondents to a recent WO/ROB Pop-up Poll shared the story of who or what inspired their career choice. Read the poll results here. A...

NECO Hosts Inaugural Vision Health Equity Summit

The New England College of Optometry (NECO) welcomed renowned experts in health equity, public health and the eye care industry to their Beacon Street...

Tactile Learning Finds Home at NECO Center for Eye Care 

The New England College of Optometry (NECO) Center for Eye Care has a new interactive experience featuring a tactile image of the visual system...

Academy’s Leadership Program Ideal for Personal, Professional Development

A third group of Fellows of the American Academy of Optometry (AAO) began their year-long journey as members of the Merton C. Flom Leadership...

Optometry T-Shirts and Accessories From Dr. Amy Moy

Amy Roan Moy, OD, FAAO, CPCO, showcases her love of all things related to the eyes, penguins and Down Syndrome in an online shop inspired by...

The Polka-Dotted Penguin by Dr. Amy Moy

Amy Roan Moy, OD, FAAO, CPCO, was inspired to become a children's book author by her nine-year-old daughter, who has Down Syndrome. Dr. Moy wanted to...

The Little Penguin That Could

When Down Syndrome Awareness Month rolls around every October, Amy Moy, OD, FAAO, CPCO, Director of Health Center Network and Chief Compliance Officer of...

Our Courage, Our Country

In the face of anti-Asian acts of violence, six doctors of Asian descent bring their perspective on where we are, where we’re going and what we can all do for a brighter future.
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