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“Eyeing the Future” – Program Seeks to Fuel Student Interest in...

Latinos en Optometry has partnered with Transitions Optical to launch ”Eying the Future,” a free in-school educational program specifically designed to inspire middle and high school...

Whose Diploma is That? Name Changes

A recent WO Poll asked readers whether they feel a name change is necessary or desirable as life circumstances change. Thirty-five percent of respondents reported...

Optical Loss Prevention Strategies

Have you been a victim of optical loss or theft? Is it possible to prevent? Email us at mbijlefeld@jobson.com. Loading… To view other WO polls and results,...

Suffering From Imposter Syndrome? You’re Not Alone

A survey from Moneypenny has revealed that 32 percent of Americans suffer from Impostor Syndrome at work. The survey also revealed that when it comes...

Pop-Up Poll: Turn and Face the Name Ch-ch-changes

Whether through marriage, divorce or other change, women may change their last names -- legally, socially or some mix. How does that impact you...

Are Pets Welcome Here?

Do you bring your pet to work? WO asked about pets in the workplace in a poll in 2017, and at the time 53%...

The Front of the Class

A glance at the shifting demographics in optometric education.

The State of Women In Optometry 2020

A new report from Women In Optometry was recently released and is now available for download. 

Entering Class of 2024: 69% Women

The percentage of women entering North American schools and colleges of optometry equals 69 percent for the fall of 2020.
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