The American Academy of Optometry recently hosted Academy 2024 in Indianapolis, Indiana. During the organization’s annual meeting, the Academy welcomed 271 new Fellows to...
Fifty students from Crispus Attucks High School in Indianapolis recently got a behind-the-scenes look at the optometry field, thanks to the American Academy of...
Congratulations to the following industry professionals for being award various Ezell Fellowships. The winners will be honored during the American Academy of Optometry meeting...
The Women In Optometry Women’s Leadership Conference, held in Indianapolis, Indiana, on Nov. 5, was a great start to the American Academy of Optometry...
Ellen Steinlein, a master facilitator at Fierce, a global leadership development company, will present the keynote and dynamic interactive workshop at the Women’s Leadership...
CLICK HERE to nominate your colleagues for the 2024 Theia Awards of Excellence, the ninth year that this awards recognition has been given.