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HOYA Vision Care’s Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments Spectacle Lenses Demonstrated Significant...

Data from an interim analysis of the Observational French Study OPHTAMYOP has demonstrated a significant trend of myopia control in children with spherical equivalent refraction (SER)...

Live Optometry Meetings: Draw or Distraction?

Do you prefer live optometry meetings? Is there any FOMO involved when you don't attend? Loading…   Do you enjoy attending live meetings? Don't miss WO's biggest...

What Are Your Staff Motivation Strategies?

In honor of September being Paraoptometric Appreciation Month, let's take a look at the ways eye care practices and businesses acknowledge and motivate staff...

Most ODs Happy With Their Work; Some Still Struggle

Seven out of ten (70%) eye care professional say they are happy with their work life right now, according to a WO Poll. However,...

Does Working With Friends Affect Productivity?

Business publications often cite the important of having good friends at work. Those who have a best friend at work are more engaged, more...

The Myopia Collective Launches New Back-to-School Resources for ECPs

The Myopia Collective, an initiative supported by CooperVision and the American Optometric Association (AOA), announced the launch of a suite of new resources designed specifically for eye...

Adjusting Summer Office Hours

During the midst of summer, many optometrists evaluate whether to adjust their office hours. According to a recent WO poll, a majority of optometrists...

Do You Love Your Job?

The adage says: if you love what you do, you never work a day in your life. Does that apply to you? Do you...

Poll Shows Strong Interest in Learning More About Low Vision Services

While fewer than half of the respondents to a recent Pop-up Poll provide low vision services, those who do are quite passionate about it....

Summer Schedule Changes: Do You Modify Your Office Hours?

As the summer season approaches, many optometrists may modify office hours to better fit the warm and sunny days. We'd love to hear how...
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