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Optometrists Share Insights to Help Students Explore Optometry

Many factors go into choosing a medical specialty such as optometry, including personal history, clinical interests, duration of the training involved, career opportunities and...

Jobson Launches ‘A.I. in Eye Care’ eJournal for Eye Care Professionals

Jobson has introduced the “A.I. in Eye Care” eJournal for optometrists, ophthalmologists, opticians and other eye care professionals to stay up to date on...

Game-Changing N3 VR Headset Announced in New Neurolens/Jobson Special Report

Neurolens and Jobson Medical Information have jointly released a new eight-page report announcing the launch of the game-changing virtual reality N3 headset that measures...

Jobson Releases “A Comprehensive Guide to the Modern Management of...

Jobson Medical Information has released Keratoconus 2023: A Comprehensive Guide to the Modern Management of Keratoconus, one of two key components of the 2023...

Thank You! It’s the WO Community That Makes WO So Special

By Marjolijn Bijlefeld, Editor Thank you. I am honored and humbled at the special Theia Award recognition I received at this year’s Women In Optometry...
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