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Optometrists Share Insights to Help Students Explore Optometry

Many factors go into choosing a medical specialty such as optometry, including personal history, clinical interests, duration of the training involved, career opportunities and...

Podcast: Make Eyelid Hygiene Easy

Patients are going to buy their eyelid cleansers and skin care products anyway, says Cheryl Chapman, OD, FIAOMC, FAAO, Dipl ABO, of Gretna Vision...

NIH Researchers Discover Potential Therapeutic Target for Degenerative Eye Disease

Researchers from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have discovered the source of dysfunction in the process whereby cells in the eye's retina remove...

Poll Shows Strong Interest in Learning More About Low Vision Services

While fewer than half of the respondents to a recent Pop-up Poll provide low vision services, those who do are quite passionate about it....

Commit to Advocacy for Your Future

No matter how busy Rasika Whitesell, OD, is as a mom and owner of Port City Optometry, her practice in Wilmington, North Carolina, she...

Record Number of Opening Your Eyes Scholarship Fund Recipients Graduate from...

The Vision Council Foundation announced a record-breaking number of opticianry school graduates this year who benefitted from scholarships supporting students from underserved communities pursuing a...

From Eye Care to Empowerment: A Woman’s Journey in Bahrain

Guest editorial by Pushpita Sengupta Patel, Bachelor of Optometry & Vision Science, MBA, Head of Corporate Strategy & Professional Affairs at Optica My fascination with...
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