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Poll Respondents Split on Importance of Live Meetings

A recent WO poll asked optometrists whether live meetings are a professional necessity or an optional distraction. Responses reveal diverse preferences, particularly regarding continuing...

Live Optometry Meetings: Draw or Distraction?

Do you prefer live optometry meetings? Is there any FOMO involved when you don't attend? Loading…   Do you enjoy attending live meetings? Don't miss WO's biggest...

Virtual Meetings Continue to Gain Popularity

In a recent WO poll, we asked readers if live meetings still held appeal. The answer was - for many - a qualified yes. Numerous meetings...

Do Live Meetings Still Hold Appeal?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual meetings were a necessity. Now that a big meeting season has wrapped up, what's your preference? Loading… To view past WO polls...

Here, There and Everywhere: Meeting Options Continue to Expand

The number of in-person conferences and professional events plummeted in 2020, and remote meetings became the new norm for most optometric professionals for at...
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