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Tag: Natalie Hayes Schmook

Roll Kids’ 529 Plans Into Roth IRAs?

By Natalie Hayes Schmook, MBA, CFP, CVA, Hayes Wealth Advisors Q:  What is this 529 plan rollover? A: At the start of 2023, the Secure 2.0...

Three Things You Should Know About 529 Plans

By Natalie Hayes Schmook, MBA, CFP, CVA If you are an optometric professional who has children, chances are you’ve heard of 529 plans as a...

Needs = Taxes, Debt and Electricity

By Natalie Hayes Schmook, MBA, CFP, CVA Needs should consume no more than 50 percent of your pre-tax profits, which in this case is $150,000...

The 50/30/20 Approach for Personal Budgeting

By Natalie Hayes Schmook, MBA, CFP, CVA A regular question I see from ODs (especially recent grads) is, what is a normal budgeting breakout for...

The 1% Trick That Will 100% Help Your Retirement Goals

By Natalie Hayes Schmook, MBA, CFP, CVA January means a new year, and I want to share with you the easiest New Year’s resolution that...

Is Your Portfolio on Track for Retirement? Use the 4% Rule

By Natalie Hayes Schmook, MBA, CFP, CVA The number one question I get regarding saving for retirement is: How much is enough? As a financial advisor,...

Money Talk: Personal Spending Is a Mission-critical Piece to Retirement Planning

By Natalie Hayes Schmook, MBA, CFP, CVA When doing financial planning for OD clients, one of the first questions I ask them is if how...

Money Talk: 5 Common (But Fixable) Retirement Planning Mistakes

As a financial advisor for ODs, retirement planning is one of the most important parts of planning that I work on with clients. There are five common mistakes I run into. Please avoid these errors; your 65-year-old self will thank you!
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