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Tag: natural light

Careful Planning Made Second Practice Location a Space to Grow Into

Laura Vrazel Koehler, OD, saw her first practice grow so fast that she needed to rebuild within 10 years. She started planning her practice,...

Space Quadrupled with Three-Mile Move

After nearly 17 years in her first office, Melissa McCulley, OD, relocated McCulley Optix Gallery to its new and larger space over the Thanksgiving...

A Minimalist Modern Practice with Room for the Kids

Do you have tips or tricks to keeping your pediatric patients calm, cool and collected? Let us know.    Manveen Bedi, OD, FAAO, FSLS, worked as...

Stepping Out Of Their Comfort Zone

Ashala Mah, OD, says that while she always had a goal of practice ownership, she fell into a comfortable rut working as an associate...

Look on the Bright Side

When you arrive at Wentz + Woodrich Eyecare in Lubbock, Texas, you can’t miss the floor-to-ceiling moss green wall decked with illuminated script reading: See the Bright Side.

Hello World!

Large windows bring light and interest into practices
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