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Who’s the Primary Earner in Your Household?

According to a 2023 Pew Research Center study, in 29% of marriages today, both spouses earn about the same amount of money. Just over...

WO Board Perspectives: We’re Thankful For…

As we celebrate the season of gratitude, we asked the WO advisory board to share what they’re most thankful for this year.   See other WO advisory board stories: ...

How Does Your Retirement Planning Look?

Is retirement on the horizon for you, or do you have some time to think about it? Have you started planning? Loading… Have a poll idea?...

Poll Respondents Split on Importance of Live Meetings

A recent WO poll asked optometrists whether live meetings are a professional necessity or an optional distraction. Responses reveal diverse preferences, particularly regarding continuing...

Live Optometry Meetings: Draw or Distraction?

Do you prefer live optometry meetings? Is there any FOMO involved when you don't attend? Loading…   Do you enjoy attending live meetings? Don't miss WO's biggest...

Workplace Friendships: A Double-edged Sword

Workplace friendships can be both good and bad for the workplace, according to a recent Women In Optometry (WO) Pop-up Poll. While many respondents...

What Are Your Staff Motivation Strategies?

In honor of September being Paraoptometric Appreciation Month, let's take a look at the ways eye care practices and businesses acknowledge and motivate staff...

Poll Respondents Say Explaining Value of Buying In-house to Patients is...

There's no shortage of online and retail options for patients looking for more convenient and affordable ways to get their eyeglasses and contact lenses....
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