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Tag: referrals

Unveiling Two Decades of Pediatric Scleral Lens Success

A recently published study, Pediatric Scleral Lenses: 21-Year Retrospective Review, found that not only are scleral lenses viable for children, but they can also...

The Critical Role of Low Vision Rehabilitation Services in Enhancing Patient...

Vision rehabilitation services are crucial for improving the quality of life for pat­ients with visual impairments. Madison Dunning, OD, of Duke Eye Center in...

Be a Hero to Your Patients With Migraines

There are many great reasons to prescribe Avulux Migraine and Light Sensitivity lenses through your practice – it’s a novel sub-specialty, it’s easy to...

Referrals Flow Both Ways, Says OD in Surgical Practice

Referrals are the lifeblood of a practice. While the tension in Florida is high with the “Not a Doctor” legislation before the state legislature, Michelle...

Make New Patients and Keep the Old

If you want something done well, do it yourself. These words rang true for Giannie Castellanos, OD, before she co-founded The Chiasm, an online platform that allows providers to refer patients, receive referrals and track patients’ progress through their referrals.
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