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Here’s to the Next Decade: How One Couple Created Their Own...

Kathy Vu, OD, recalls how difficult it was for herself and her husband Kelvin Ngo, DMD, to find a work-life balance as employees of...

School’s Out: Time to Start Preparing for the Back-to-School Rush

If you wait to start preparing for the back-to-school rush in late summer, you’ve already missed a good part of the opportunity, says Tonya...

All Hands on Deck

Fewer than 19% of WO respondents expect to close on the week between Christmas and New Year's in 2023. Nearly 35% said they would maintain...

Majority of Respondents Said that COVID-19 Did Not Bring Lasting Interruptions...

In a recent Women In Optometry Pop-up Poll, the majority of the respondents said their workweek schedule has not undergone significant change during the...

Get Supremely Organized

Amber Dunn, OD, drafted her business plan and established a practice even before she finished her residency.

Be Intentional

Breanne McGhee, OD, finishes that task before heading out to work in one of the four practices around the New Orleans, Louisiana, area in which she works.
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