Tag: vision therapy
Making A Large-scale Impact
2023 was an action-packed year for Juanita Collier, MS, OD, FCOVD. She celebrated a decade since she opened 4D Vision Gym in Cromwell, Connecticut....
The Common Denominator In Optometrist’s Career: Improving Access
At every step of her career, optometrist Carolina Kunnen, PhD, BOptom, BHealth, FBCLA, has been focused on increasing access and improving eye care to...
Investing in Your Staff: Priceless
Running an optometry practice comes with wearing many hats, including management and patient care, says Miki Lyn Zilnicki, OD, FCOVD, in a recent Eyes...
Brand New, Modern Practice is “Not Your Traditional Optometrist Office”
When Amrit Bilkhu, OD, FAAO, and Manraj Fervaha, OD, look around Northern Sight Optometry now, it’s hard to image that just 12 months ago the floors...
Vision Therapy Office Thrives from Personal Experience
Do you have tips or tricks to keeping your pediatric patients calm, cool and collected? Let us know.
Denise Smith, OD, FCOVD, vision therapy specialist...
Larger Space Keeps OD Organized and Patients Happy
When Janet M. Wilson, OD, FCOVD, opened her first practice in 2014, she thought she had found her “forever” workspace.
Bella Vision Family Vision Care...
Performance-Tinted Contacts Popular With Athletes at Every Level
Sports vision is an overlooked area of specialization, says Amanda Nanasy, OD, of the Florida Institute of Sports Vision in Pembroke Pines, Florida. The...
Many Small Actions Make a Big Impact Over Time
In September, Sharon Berger Moscow, OD, FCOVD, was recognized for her work over more than four decades in the profession as the recipient of...
Fulfilling a Need for Vision Therapy in Hometown
Liza Stremick, OD, spent her first month after opening Eyes on Burdick spreading the word about the vision therapy (VT) services she was now...
Hire Great Associates and Support Them as They Succeed
In 1998, Ann Voss, OD, FCOVD, Diplomate ABO, was ready to open her own office and founded Bellaire Family Eye Care. After 10 years,...