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Investing in Your Staff: Priceless

Running an optometry practice comes with wearing many hats, including management and patient care, says Miki Lyn Zilnicki, OD, FCOVD, in a recent Eyes...

Vision Therapy Office Thrives from Personal Experience

Do you have tips or tricks to keeping your pediatric patients calm, cool and collected? Let us know.    Denise Smith, OD, FCOVD, vision therapy specialist...

Fulfilling a Need for Vision Therapy in Hometown

Liza Stremick, OD, spent her first month after opening Eyes on Burdick spreading the word about the vision therapy (VT) services she was now...

Making an Impact on Her Community and Beyond

The practice Facebook page for Vision Therapy Academy in La Crosse, Wisconsin, is full of success stories. Photos of happy, smiling vision therapy (VT)...

Vision Therapy Brings Satisfaction and Opportunity

Justine Simon Bailey, OD, FCOVD, says that nothing quite compares to the experience working with patients through vision therapy and rehabilitation.
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