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Tag: when can i retire

Planning for Retirement: OD Says Start Today

Teresa Vigario, OD, has prioritized savings and paying down debt since she started college. Here’s how she says it helped her pay down $260,000...

Retirement Anticipation and Some Angst

A recent WO and Review of Optometric Business poll asked readers how they were feeling about retirement planning. Optometrists report varying levels of anxiety,...

How Does Your Retirement Planning Look?

Is retirement on the horizon for you, or do you have some time to think about it? Have you started planning? Loading… Have a poll idea?...

The Great Retirement May Be Coming in Optometry

Based on the results of a combined Women In Optometry/Review of Optometric Business Poll, the optometric profession could be in for a wave of...

ODs Share Retirement Strategies and Worries in Latest Poll

According to a recent WO Poll, more than 60% of respondents plan on retiring in 10 years or less. The majority of the respondents...

Have You Started to Think About Retirement?

Women In Optometry and Review of Optometric Business are asking readers about their retirement plans and progress toward that goal. Loading… Have an idea for a WO...
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