Dr. Melissa Barnett and Dr. Melissa Zaleski: Different Perspectives
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Dr. Michele Andrews and Dr. Jacquie Bowen: Doctors Share Myopia Management Practices
Jacquie Bowen, OD, FAAO, who will become president of the American Optometric Association at the next Optometry's Meeting in June 2025 in Minneapolis; and Michele...
Podcast: Make Eyelid Hygiene Easy
Patients are going to buy their eyelid cleansers and skin care products anyway, says Cheryl Chapman, OD, FIAOMC, FAAO, Dipl ABO, of Gretna Vision...
Excellence With Kindness: New Berkeley Dean Readies Plans
Melissa Barnett, OD, FAAO, FSLS, FBCLA, a proud alum of Berkeley optometry, chats with Sharon A. Bentley, BScOptom, MOptom, PhD, MPH, FAAO, FACO, who...
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Optometrists Share Insights to Help Students Explore Optometry
Many factors go into choosing a medical specialty such as optometry, including personal history, clinical interests, duration of the training involved, career opportunities and...
LifeLink® Tissue Bank Aligns with BioTissue’s Sharing Miracles to Promote Regenerative Healing Through Birth Tissue Therapies
LifeLink Tissue Bank, a globally recognized non-profit leader in providing life-enhancing tissue allografts, made possible by the generosity of tissue donors and their families,...
Konan Medical USA Launches the objectiveFIELD Perimeter
Konan Medical USA, Inc. announced it has begun commercializing its new objective visual field analyzer, marketed under the brand names objectiveFIELD and OFA (Objective Field...
Prevent Blindness Declares November as Diabetes-Related Eye Disease Awareness Month
Prevent Blindness has designated November as Diabetes-related Eye Disease Awareness Month. The initiative is aimed to let eye care professionals know how they can...