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Jobson Presents the Ocular Health & Wellness Education Initiative E-resource and CE Webinar

the cover of the new resources Ocular Health and Wellness
Download the e-resource here.

Jobson Medical Information has announced the launch of the Ocular Health and Wellness Education Initiative, consisting of a comprehensive e-resource, and a support two-hour COPE-approved CE webinar.

This initiative was created to educate eye care professionals about ocular nutrition and wellness by providing a comprehensive e-resource featuring published research, evidence-based clinical recommendations and expert-backed insights. The information is clinically relevant and applicable to practitioners with all levels of experience. In addition, the initiative also provides best practices for developing a specialty in health and wellness and incorporating nutraceutical sales as a billable service not tied to managed care plans.

Dr. Poteet


The comprehensive 70+-page resource, Ocular Health and Wellness: It’s Evidence Based, was spearheaded by Chief Clinical Editor Julie Poteet, OD, MS, CNS, FOWNS, immediate past president, Ocular Wellness & Nutrition Society (OWNS). Dr. Poteet is also the category editor of the Nutrition section of Review of Presbyopia and the Aging Eye. The e-resource contains articles from the leaders in the field, including Neda Gioia, OD, CNS, FOWNS; Kaleb Abbott, OD, MS, FAAO; Jeffrey Anshel, OD, FAAO; Paul Bernstein, MD, PhD; Kerry Gelb, OD; Dorothy Hitchmoth, OD, FAAO, ABO, ABCMO; Paul Chous, MA, OD, FAAO; and Dennis Ruskin, OD, FAAO, among other contributing authors.

Editorial topics covered include the following:

  • Medical Nutrition in Clinical Practice
  • Can a Healthy Diet Affect Open-Angle Glaucoma?
  • One Solution in the Battle Against Dry Eye: Nutrition
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Ocular Health
  • How to Incorporate Nutrition into the Primary Care Practice
  • The Profound Impact of Sleep on Ocular Health
  • Carotenoids in Eye Health

“A wellness revolution is occurring in health care with eye doctors poised to be at the forefront of early intervention,” said Dr. Poteet. “As the only human tissue allowing a direct, noninvasive visualization of the microvascular circulation and central nervous system, retinal evaluation and imaging allow eye doctors to identify disease risks early and recommend evidence-based interventions that can mitigate the course of disease and promote wellness. The eyes, therefore, are truly the windows to health.”  Download the Ocular Health & Wellness Initiative here.


In addition, Dr. Poteet, Dr. Anshel and Dr. Gioia will present a two-hour, CE-approved webinar, Comprehensive Patient Care: Why Nutrition Matters Now More Than Ever (Repair the Roof Before it Starts Raining) on November 15, 2023, at 7:00p.m. Eastern.

The webinar will cover the National Eye Institute’s Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS and AREDS2), which has changed the standard of care for practitioners managing the leading cause of vision loss in the developing world, macular degeneration, by showing that a nutraceutical formulation could slow the progression of this blinding disease. The CE course will review the original AREDS and AREDS2 data and the recently published 10-year post hoc analysis of 14,000 eyes of the AREDS subjects, which showed that specific nutrients and eating patterns are associated with significantly reduced risk of disease progression. Register for the webinar here.

Download the Ocular Health & Wellness Initiative here.

Read other stories from WO’s Health and Wellness channel here.


This article was created using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication.

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