Home Polls Optometry Embraces Aesthetics, with 57% Offering Services

Optometry Embraces Aesthetics, with 57% Offering Services

Aesthetics is a growing opportunity for optometrists, and 57% of the respondents to a recent Pop-up Poll say that they have implemented aesthetic services, either as part of their dry eye treatment area or as a standalone service. One-third of the respondents said they do not offer aesthetic services. The remaining 10% said that they are working on implementation or have already acquired some equipment but haven’t officially begun.

pie chart that shows that 71% of respondents offer aesthetic services in conjunction with dry eye services.
WO/ROB Pop-up Poll

This Pop-up Poll was out in late April and early May and was sent to readers of Women In Optometry and Review of Optometric Business. Slightly more than two-thirds of the respondents said they were women ODs.


The most common treatments provided are in-office procedures, such as intense pulsed light, radio frequency and low level light therapies, offered by 84% of those offering aesthetic services.

Here’s what else offices are offering:

Beauty/skin care products for sale: 43%

Counseling on makeup/aesthetics: 26%

Botox and/or fillers: 12%

Lash enhancements, eyebrow services: 4%

Facial services, dermaplaning, micro needling, chemical peels: 4%

Respondents could select more than one answer.


Most commonly, it is the doctor who is performing the services, according to 81% of the respondents. However, 41% said a technician or trained employee can provide the treatment, and 15% said a licensed aesthetician does.

Another five percent listed other medical providers, including ocuplastic surgeon, ophthalmologist, nurse practitioner or RN. Respondents could select more than one answer.


pie chart shows 67% say aesthetic services account for less than 10% of revenue

Although one-in-four respondents to the Pop-up Poll said that aesthetic services account for no revenue at all, that is lower than the 33% who said they do not offer the services.

This chart shows that more than two-thirds of respondents said that their aesthetic services are account for less than 10% of revenue. The next most common response, from 24% of respondents, was that these services account for between 11% and 25% of revenue.

In January 2024, WO asked readers about opportunities to drive growth in the year ahead. Here’s how they responded.

bar graph shows aesthetic services presents some of significant opportunity for growth

See more poll results here.

Here’s a related story from Review of Optometric Business.

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